Liens utiles



MoST – Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

MoE – Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

MEE – Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China

MIIT – Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of People’s republic of China

CAS – The Chinese Academy of Sciences

CASS – The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

CAE – Chinese Academy of Engineering

CAAS – The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

CAMS – Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

CAF – Chinese academy of forestry

IWHR– China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research 

CAGS– The Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

NSFC – The National Natural Science Foundation of China

CEA– China earthquake administration

DPM– The Palace Museum

CAST – The China Association for Science and Technology

Universités partenaires

THU – Tsinghua University

PKU – Peking University

BNU – Beijing Normal University

ECNU – East China Normal University

FUDAN– Fudan University

GZHMU – Guangzhou Medical University

NJU– Nanjing University

HUNNU – Hunan Normal University

WHU– Wuhan University

Tongji – Tongji University

NANKAI– Nankai University

SDU – Shandong University

SHJT– Jiao Tong University

SHNU – Shanghai Normal University

HIT– Harbin Institute of Technology

HKUST – Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

HRBMU– Harbin Medical University

CCNU – Central China Normal University

JLU– Jilin University

KMMC – Kunming Medical University

pll_language:fr Remarque : je n’ai pas de version chinoise du texte à intégrer, c’est pourquoi je joins une version anglaise en attendant une éventuelle version chinoise. Codes à intégrer :